46 research outputs found

    Towards Modelling and Analysing Non-Functional Properties of Systems of Systems

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    International audienceSystems of systems (SoS) are large-scale systems composed of complex systems with difficult to predict emergent properties. One of the most significant challenges in the engineering of such systems if how to predict their Non-Functional Properties (NFP) such as performance and security, and more specifically, how to model NFP when the overall system functionality is not available. In this paper, we identify, describe and analyse challenges to modelling and analysing the performance and security NFP of SoS. We define an architectural framework to SoS NFP prediction based on the modelling of system interactions and their impacts. We adopt an Event Driven Architecture to support this modelling, as it allows for more realistic and flexible NFP simulation, which enables more accurate NFP prediction. A framework integrating the analysis of several NFP allows for exploring the impacts of changes made to accommodate issues on one NFP on other NFPs

    Flush+Reload: a High Resolution, Low Noise, L3 Cache Side-Channel Attack

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    Sharing memory pages between non-trusting processes is a common method of reducing the memory footprint of multi-tenanted systems. In this paper we demonstrate that, due to a weakness in the Intel X86 processors, page sharing exposes processes to information leaks. We present FLUSH+RELOAD, a cache side-channel attack technique that exploits this weakness to monitor access to memory lines in shared pages. Unlike previous cache side-channel attacks, FLUSH+RELOAD targets the Last- Level Cache (i.e. L3 on processors with three cache levels). Consequently, the attack program and the victim do not need to share the execution core. We demonstrate the efficacy of the FLUSH+RELOAD attack by using it to extract the private encryption keys from a victim program running GnuPG 1.4.13. We tested the attack both between two unrelated processes in a single operating system and between processes running in separate virtual machines. On average, the attack is able to recover 96.7% of the bits of the secret key by observing a single signature or decryption round

    ConservationBots: Autonomous Aerial Robot for Fast Robust Wildlife Tracking in Complex Terrains

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    Today, the most widespread, widely applicable technology for gathering data relies on experienced scientists armed with handheld radio telemetry equipment to locate low-power radio transmitters attached to wildlife from the ground. Although aerial robots can transform labor-intensive conservation tasks, the realization of autonomous systems for tackling task complexities under real-world conditions remains a challenge. We developed ConservationBots-small aerial robots for tracking multiple, dynamic, radio-tagged wildlife. The aerial robot achieves robust localization performance and fast task completion times -- significant for energy-limited aerial systems while avoiding close encounters with potential, counter-productive disturbances to wildlife. Our approach overcomes the technical and practical problems posed by combining a lightweight sensor with new concepts: i) planning to determine both trajectory and measurement actions guided by an information-theoretic objective, which allows the robot to strategically select near-instantaneous range-only measurements to achieve faster localization, and time-consuming sensor rotation actions to acquire bearing measurements and achieve robust tracking performance; ii) a bearing detector more robust to noise and iii) a tracking algorithm formulation robust to missed and false detections experienced in real-world conditions. We conducted extensive studies: simulations built upon complex signal propagation over high-resolution elevation data on diverse geographical terrains; field testing; studies with wombats (Lasiorhinus latifrons; nocturnal, vulnerable species dwelling in underground warrens) and tracking comparisons with a highly experienced biologist to validate the effectiveness of our aerial robot and demonstrate the significant advantages over the manual method.Comment: 33 pages, 21 figure

    An International Pilot Study of K-12 Teachers’Computer Science Self-Esteem

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    Computer Science (CS) is a new subject area for many K-12 teachersaround the world, requiring new disciplinary knowledge and skills.Teacher social-behavioral factors (e.g. self-esteem) have been foundto impact learning and teaching, and a key part of CS curriculumimplementation will need to ensure teachers feel confident to de-liver CS. However, studies about CS teacher self-esteem are lacking.This paper presents an analysis of publicly available data (n=219)from a pilot study using a Teacher CS Self-Esteem scale. Analy-sis revealed significant differences, including 1) females reportedsignificantly lower CS self-esteem than males, 2) primary teachersreported lower levels of CS self-esteem than secondary teachers, 3)those with no CS teaching experience reported significantly lowerCS self-esteem, 4) teachers with 0-3 years experience had a neg-ative CS self-esteem, but after four years, teachers had a positiveCS self-esteem, and 5) teachers who lived further from metropol-itan areas and in some countries reported lower CS self-esteem.These initial findings suggest a pressing need for future researchto look further into teacher CS self-esteem to inform teacher CSprofessional development

    What Do We Think We Think We Are Doing?: Metacognition and Self-Regulation in Programming

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    Metacognition and self-regulation are popular areas of interest in programming education, and they have been extensively researched outside of computing. While computing education researchers should draw upon this prior work, programming education is unique enough that we should explore the extent to which prior work applies to our context. The goal of this systematic review is to support research on metacognition and self-regulation in programming education by synthesizing relevant theories, measurements, and prior work on these topics. By reviewing papers that mention metacognition or self-regulation in the context of programming, we aim to provide a benchmark of our current progress towards understanding these topics and recommendations for future research. In our results, we discuss eight common theories that are widely used outside of computing education research, half of which are commonly used in computing education research. We also highlight 11 theories on related constructs (e.g., self-efficacy) that have been used successfully to understand programming education. Towards measuring metacognition and self-regulation in learners, we discuss seven instruments and protocols that have been used and highlight their strengths and weaknesses. To benchmark the current state of research, we examined papers that primarily studied metacognition and self-regulation in programming education and synthesize the reported interventions used and results from that research. While the primary intended contribution of this paper is to support research, readers will also learn about developing and supporting metacognition and self-regulation of students in programming courses

    Introductory programming: a systematic literature review

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    As computing becomes a mainstream discipline embedded in the school curriculum and acts as an enabler for an increasing range of academic disciplines in higher education, the literature on introductory programming is growing. Although there have been several reviews that focus on specific aspects of introductory programming, there has been no broad overview of the literature exploring recent trends across the breadth of introductory programming. This paper is the report of an ITiCSE working group that conducted a systematic review in order to gain an overview of the introductory programming literature. Partitioning the literature into papers addressing the student, teaching, the curriculum, and assessment, we explore trends, highlight advances in knowledge over the past 15 years, and indicate possible directions for future research

    The provision of relocation transparency through a formalised naming system in a distributed mobile object system

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    Mobility in distributed object systems is useful as it can provide such properties as load balancing, code to data movement, fault tolerance, migration to stable storage, and autonomous semantics. In a widely distributed system, these properties are important as they can help alleviate latency issues and increase performance within the system. Additionally, they provid more flexibility in the programming of distributed systems by relaxing static location restrictions. Location transparency removes the need for client objects to explicitly know or define the location of a server object when communicating. If a server object is capable of migration, relocation transparency maintains reference validity throughout the migration. Several models for providing relocation transparency exist, including the home location, forwarding location, and broadcast models. This thesis proposes a model that uses a distributed registry system and dynamic reference updating to provide location and relocation transparency. A registry system is used to provide location independence by resolving a location independent name to a reference that can be used by a client. A naming system is used to provide correct binding and production of names within the naming restrictions of the system. The thesis proposes that the choice of naming system within a distributed or mobile object system has a large effect on the system's ability to support efficient transparent object relocation. This thesis proposes that a formal analysis of naming systems enables the selection of an appropriate naming system for a distributed or mobile object system given the object system's naming, distribution and transparency requirements. This thesis presents a new classification scheme for naming systems, based on analysis of a broad spectrum of naming systems. A classification of existing mobile and distributed object systems with respect to existing naming models is provided. It is shown that the current models need to be refined and extended to completely and correctly classify the example systems. This thesis proposes extensions and refinements that enable correct and complete classification of mobile and distributed object systems with a need for transparency. The extended naming model is then used to describe a naming system that is capable of implementing any naming system classifiable by the extended model. A classification of a naming system to support the proposed model of location and relocation transparency is presented. A distributed ORB system is designed and implemented to support the distributed namespace and generic naming system implementation. The distributed ORB system is hierarchically structured and is capable of adapting in response to node failure. This ORB system is used to support client and server object integration in the DISCWorld metacomputing environment. The ORB system is used to provide migration, replication and cloning services to the DISCWorld metacomputing environment. A qualitative analysis of the generic naming system and the DISCWorld ORB system is performed. A comparison between the proposed model for location and relocation transparency and existing models is also presented. This comparison shows that the proposed model exhibits better location and relocation performance within the DISCWorld environment. The distributed nature of the ORB system and namespace provides a scalable nature in terms of namespace size, the number of objects within the system, and the frequency of location and relocation requests.Thesis (Ph.D.)--Engineering (Department of Computer Science), 2000

    Computational thinking, the notional machine, pre-service teachers, and research opportunities

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    There is general consensus regarding the urgent and pressing need to develop school students' computational thinking abilities, and to help school teachers develop computational thinking pedagogies. One possible reason that teachers (and students) may struggle with computational thinking processes is because they have poorly developed mental models of how computers work, i.e., they have inadequate “notional machines”. Based on a pilot survey of 44 pre-service teachers this paper explores (mis)conceptions of computational thinking, and proposes a research agenda for investigating the use of notional machine activities as a way of developing pre-service teacher computational thinking pedagogical capabilities.10 page(s

    Flush+Reload: a High Resolution, Low Noise, L3 Cache Side-Channel Attack

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    Flush+Reload is a cache side-channel attack that monitors access to data in shared pages. In this paper we demonstrate how to use the attack to extract private encryption keys from GnuPG. The high resolution and low noise of the Flush+Reload attack enables a spy program to recover over 98 % of the bits of the private key in a single decryption or signing round. Unlike previous attacks, the attack targets the last level L3 cache. Consequently, the spy program and the victim do not need to share the execution core of the CPU. The attack is not limited to a traditional OS and can be used in a virtualised environment, where it can attack programs executing in a different VM.